Dairy farm placements in the USA, are located in Wisconsin, Minnesota and California. They vary in size from 150 to 2000 milking cows. Milking set ups varies from tie stall barns to parlor facilities.
The main breed used is Holstein cows. Typically placements are year around. Interns will be involved in milking cows, cleaning and sanitation of barns and dairy facilities, preparing feed rations according to the nutritionist recommendation, care of sick animals, operate large equipment (mixer trucks or wagons, and pay loader), feeding calves and heifers, record keeping, herd reproduction practices and management, vaccinations, and medicating sick animals. Interns will be involved into forage and silage production, and maintenance of pasture and fences.
Also interns will learn to determine cost of production, bookkeeping, marketing practices, time management, and problem solving skills. The skills acquired will varies according to the host and interns abilities.
Important notes
1. There's a limit of farms available for these types and depending on the financial situation and weather conditions it will vary year to year. Also, there is some activities, not mentioned above, that can be available and vary year to year. To obtain more information, please, contact the IFAA representative or coordinator.
2. Placements for women are limited to certain types of activities due to the difficulties due to suitable places to live. These categories are: grain crops, beef cattle, and fruit orchards.